If you are referred by your GP, he/she is likely to have counselled you about vasectomy.
However, we have identified certain categories whom we should always prefer to counsel additionally:
- Couples where either of the partners is under the age of 30 years
- Couples who have had no children
- Couples where the woman is pregnant or where the youngest child will not have reached the age of six months by the time the vasectomy is performed
- Couples where there is any doubt about the long-term stability of the relationship e.g. short-term “common-law” marriages
- Men with a BMI more than 30 and/or weight more than 120kg.
Where any of the above apply, it is certainly still possible that the man will be accepted for the procedure after counselling. But it should be clearly understood that this is not by any means automatic – most particularly in categories 1 and 4 above.
If, because of distance, it would be difficult for the couple to make a special journey for counselling, it would be appreciated if a supportive letter giving details of their particular circumstances could be sent with the consent form.